Trucking Accidents
Personal Injury Lawyer in North Texas
Have you been in an accident involving a commercial truck and sustained injury? Are you ready to pursue compensation and earn the highest returns for your recovery? If so, reach out to Chad today. We provide a personal injury lawyer for North Texas clients who need justice after a traumatic and painful trucking accident. Chad A. Norcross is board certified for civil trials and will take your case to court if necessary.
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Filing Uninsured Motorist Claims
All company and commercial trucks should carry liability insurance. However, if you are hurt or injured in or by a truck without liability insurance, your injury expenses won't be covered. If this happens, we recommend filing an uninsured motorist claim right after your accident. Filing will help you receive at least partial coverage for your injury expenses. Do you need help with your claim? Contact us.
We Handle Trucking Accident Cases
Trucking Collisions
You were hurt or injured in an accident involving one or more trucks, semis or commercial trucks.
DUI and Drunk Driving
The truck driver was intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol when they injured you.
Pedestrian Accidents
A pedestrian on the street was injured by a truck or because of a trucking collision or accident.
Recover Your Losses, Get Justice!
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