Trial Court Procedures
Renowned Personal Injury Lawyer in North Texas
Hopefully, your lawsuit will give you the highest compensation for your injury. Chad is here to win for you with the most dependable personal injury lawyer in North Texas. Winning is the only option for Chad A. Norcross, and he provides his over 19 years of legal expertise to achieve justice and the most favorable returns. Consult with our Board Certified Civil Trial Law attorney.
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How You Should Proceed
A range of factors determines the court you choose to take your case to. How much compensation do you want to earn? How fast do you want to conclude your trial? How confident are you in your case? Some courts pay higher than others. Some consist of more jury members than others. Chad will guide you toward the best option for your case.
Types of Courts and Alternative Dispute Resolutions
Local County Court of Law
Requires six jurors. Chad prefers county court since there are fewer jurors to convince in your case and cases get set for trial quicker than District Court cases.
District Court
Comprises 12 jurors. District Court cases move slower and have more jurors scrutinizing cases. However, the process is longer and creates litigation leverage to help you.
Non-Jury or Bench Trials
In some cases, it's more strategic to skip the jury and go directly to the judge for a ruling. Chad's trial experience is invaluable in helping you decide this complexed choice of judge or jury.
Small Claims Court
Small claims courts are limited to $20,000 in damages. Chad sometimes uses the small claims courts for smaller cases for a faster more efficient process.
Arbitration is a process whereby an arbitrator decides the case instead of a judge. This process is generally designed to be more efficient and a faster process
U.S. District Court
Some cases have federal questions involved or have diverse citizenship of parties.
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